Memorial Hall Library

OverDrive Announcement


Attention OverDrive users! Advantage titles are now merged into the shared MVLC OverDrive collection!

What this means:

  • The number of items available to you has grown from 11,000 to 28,000 items.
  • The number of unique titles has grown from 7,000 items to 12,000 items.
  • Most holds will be filled much faster.
  • Virtually all OverDrive titles are now included and clickable in the online MVLC catalog, as well as the OverDrive interface.
  • The OverDrive Advantage graphic OverDrive Advantage iconhas gone away. All items are available to all MVLC patrons.

In the short term, some of you may get more hold requests filled than you can read or listen to within the 3 week default loan period. You may have to put holds in again for those items you can’t read or listen to within the loan period. In the long term, EVERYBODY wins.

Not an OverDrive user yet? Let's change that! OverDrive is a great way to get ebooks and audiobooks onto your mobile device, tablet or computer. Have a look at our OverDrive how-to sheets or get in touch with us and we'd be happy to get you started!
