The library will be closed Monday, February 17th for Presidents Day

Memorial Hall Library

Children's Room News & Events

Program graphic

Goodbye Summer, Hello Fall--programs that is!

Children's Fall Program Brochures are available in The Children's Room.  Programs begin the week of September 16th. Program listings are being added to our online calendar for September through December.  Call or email with any questions!  978-623-8440 or...

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Tumble Book Library

Here's a reminder about a great online resource for kids books called Tumble book library!  This database contains storybooks, read alongs, e-books, graphic novels, videos, non-fiction, language learning and puzzles and games. ...

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Kid's books to celebrate Earth Day 2024

Meditation and Mindfulness Books for Kids

Check out these books from our Children's Collection!

Books about Peace

Share some peace with children with these books from our Children's Room Collection.

Reading can be hard

So Ms Laura has created a list of kids books featuring struggling readers.  Sometimes seeing yourself in a book can help, so we hope you will try some of these titles from our Children's Room collection.

Phonics and Decodables

For kids learning to read or needing some phonics and decodable books here is a list of suggestions from our collection!

Back to School Books

Back to School Books

Check out these get ready for school books curated by Miss Laura!  There's still time to read for Summer Reading which ends August 21st!

Picture Books celebrating Black Joy

Pictures Books of Black Joy

Our staff has selected some wonderful stories for sharing with your children. Feel free to request for curbside pickup. Some are also available as ebooks and audiobooks on the Overdrive (Libby) and Hoopla apps.
