Memorial Hall Library

MHL Children's Book Bundle Request

Choose a topic and receive a book bundle! Librarians will use your responses to create a book bundle of titles for your child or classroom. Choose a pre-made kit, one of our suggested topics, or submit your own!

Please choose only one or two bundles at a time.

You may still call us at 978-623-8440 to make a request for a few titles, however we'd prefer you submit this form or email for bigger orders.

When your books are ready, you will receive an email letting you know your holds are ready or your pick- up day for Grab and Go

If you'd like to request personalized reading suggestions for adults, please fill out this adult form. If you'd like to request personalized reading suggestions for teens (grades 6-12), please fill out the teen form.

What would you like?
These are just suggestions. If you are interested in other topics, add them to the "other information" field below!
Contact info