Memorial Hall Library

The story of Memorial Hall Library

The book, The Founding of the Memorial Hall Library Andover, Mass., was written by Mary Byers Smith (1885-1983).  Mary was the grandaughter of John Smith, who was the cofounder of the Smith & Dove Manufacturing Company which supplied linen thread to the Union Army for boots and saddles.    

The Founding of the Memorial Hall Library Andover, Mass. serves as a history of the Library and a tribute to the foresight and generosity of John Smith.  In it, Mary wrote, "my grandfather came to this country in 1816, he brought with him a shilling, a Bible and his machinists’ tools.  He had gone to work as a herdsman on Catterthun near Brechin at the age of nine and had been the chief support of his widowed mother since he was about 14.  Naturally, he himself had no schooling to speak of.  He had, however, great respect for learning and a perfectly modern appreciation of the possibilities of adult education.  He had been able to overcome his own early handicaps; why shouldn’t others, if only the books were available?  To his mind it was as simple as that.  He often spoke of the good fortune for the whole family that his brother Peter, as a weaver in Glasgow, “sat beside a good man who lent him books.””

In 1870 Smith's physician advised he take an extended rest.  Smith traveled to Europe.  While there, he wrote to his son about an idea that the “corner lot, where Joseph Abbott’s shop stood (in Andover before it burned down), would be a fine place for a Memorial Hall to be built… to keep in remembrance the names of those who gave up their lives in defending our flag and saving my country to God and Liberty.”  He then proposed to head a subscription list for the purchase of land, construction and building an endowment to “take care of the Library, if there should be one, and a Reading Room…”

Smith donated $25,000 to build the memorial and library with the stipulation that Andover residents would have to raise an equal amount.  After a year abroad, Smith returned to Andover.  While he was away, several committees were formed to fundraise.  655 subscriptions were received.  However, the fund was still about $3,500 short.  Then, someone remembered there was $4,500 in a soldiers’ monument fund.  That money was quickly appropriated for the project.  

J.F. Eaton was hired as architect and the contract was awarded to Abbott and Jenkins.  In the cornerstone, laid September 19, 1871, is a list of all the Andover men enrolled in the Army and Navy during the “War of the Rebellion” and of the 46 who gave their lives in the service of their country. 

During the summer of 1872 the first board of Trustees purchased 2,700 books.  On May 1, 1873, Ballard Holt, 2nd, was appointed librarian and janitor.  The Hall was formally opened on May 30, 1873 with pomp and circumstance.

Learn more about John Smith and the birth of Memorial Hall Library by reading The Founding of the Memorial Hall Library Andover, Mass. by Mary Byers Smith.