Memorial Hall Library

Summer is the perfect time for genealogy!

Summer is a great time to get back to your genealogy research.  The days seem longer and hopefully you have some free time!  The big question is where to start – or, where to start again.

Our suggestion is to pull out your research and organize it.  It can be difficult to remember where you left off or what you found out the last time you worked on it.  

Start by cleaning off your desk (or dining table).  Organize your paper piles by setting up a system.  You don’t have to invent one yourself. suggests this one, but there are many others.  Move on to your computer files once the paper piles are straightened.  Rename your files with meaningful names (that correspond to your paper files).  Finally, write down your goals.  Keep them specific and measurable so you can check them off as the summer progresses.

For more tips visit these links:
·’s Resolutions: Organizing Your Genealogy Research in 2015
·    Barry Ewell’s Tips for getting – and keeping – your genealogy organized
·’s Binders, Notebooks or Folders? Organizing Your Genealogy Files