Memorial Hall Library

Virtual Author Talk: 'Bessie's Story - Watching the Lights Go Out' with Thomas Farmen

watching the lights go out
Wednesday, July 28, 2021 - 7:00pm

Join author Thomas Farmen for a presentation on his book, Bessie’s Story – Watching the Lights Go Out, via Zoom.

Register through Zoom.

About The Book: Bessie's Story - Watching the Lights Go Out is an inspiring story about a charming, brave, chocolate Lab who gradually loses her eyesight. The author leads the reader from the unexpected diagnosis of terminal blindness for his beloved four-year-old pet through the two-and-a-half year transition to sightlessness. In the process, Bessie unwittingly becomes an expert mentor and teacher for the high-wire act of growing older with grace and optimism.

About The Author: Thomas Farmen is the Headmaster Emeritus of Rumsey Hall School in Washington, Connecticut. He and his wife Ashley worked in partnership at the school for over four decades and now live in rural New Hampshire. Dog owners for all of their forty-plus years of marriage, the Farmens travel, pursue a variety of outdoor interests and are active volunteers. Ashley is a New Hampshire Granite State Ambassador. Tom serves on the board for several non-profit organizations, including Special Olympics of New Hampshire, and is an ambassador at Mount Sunapee ski area. The Farmens have two adult sons.
