Memorial Hall Library

Extraterrestrial - The First Sign of Intelligent Life Beyond Earth with Harvard's Avi Loeb

Thursday, August 25, 2022 - 7:00pm

Bestselling author Avi Loeb will discuss his recent critically acclaimed book, "Extraterrestrial: The First Sign of Intelligent Life Beyond Earth."

Register on Zoom.

In "Extraterrestrial," Loeb takes readers inside the thrilling story of the first interstellar visitor to be spotted in our solar system. He outlines his controversial theory and its profound implications: for science, for religion, and for the future of our species and our planet. A mind-bending journey through the furthest reaches of science, space-time, and the human imagination, "Extraterrestrial" challenges readers to aim for the stars—and to think critically about what’s out there, no matter how strange it seems.
